I’m a full stack web developer with a passion for creating user-friendly websites and web apps. My main tech stack includes React, Redux, and styled-components for the front end, and Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL for the back end. I’m excited to refine and expand upon my current skill set through employment.
This is a full stack website that includes features such as user authentication, messaging, following posts, subscribing to groups, nested comments, and pagination amongst many others that are featured on Reddit.
React Redux Node.js Express.js MySQL styled‑components axiosAudiophile e-commerce website
E-commerce website featuring a React frontend that fetches data from a Strapi headless CMS. Users can add/remove various items from their cart, edit quantities, and follow a checkout flow.
React Headless CMS styled‑components axiosInvoicer
This web application allows users to track their invoices. They can log in to their individual account and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on their invoices. Alternatively, localStorage is supported for guest accessibility.
React Node.js Express.js MongoDB styled‑components axiosContact me
You can also email me at brendobrownley@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!